Training – How to use lead gen forms

Mike Cooper

Founder of Black Mountain Media
"Let’s work together to increase your conversion rates so your revenue grows"

1 Dashboard

The Dashboard will give you a quick overview of all your forms, quizzes, and polls.

At the start, you won’t see much data. But as your visitors make use of your forms, quizzes, and polls, the Dashboard will populate with views, conversion rates, rankings, etc.

2 Forms

Ok, let’s start with a form first.

Go to Forminator/Forms and click on the Create button to start making your brand new Form:

A popup will open where you can enter your form name in the box with the placeholder text E.g. Blank Form

Each form must have a name (so you can easily distinguish/track them later). When you’ve entered a name, push the blue Create button.

Your form will come with the following pre-defined fields: NameEmailPhone number and Message area (which you can delete and/or edit of course).

Proceed by adding new fields and/or editing existing ones.


To add a new field, push the purple Insert Fields button.

A popup box will open where you will be able to choose from a variety of different fields. You need to configure reCAPTCHA before the field appears.

You can select multiple fields. When you are finished choosing fields, push the Insert Fieldsbutton.

By default, new fields will occupy one row. To organize your fields into columns, simply drag and drop a field into the same row as another field. You can add up to four fields to a single row.

When adding a new field, or editing an existing one, you can specify whether or not the field is Required in the Settings tab. When you select Required, an additional field will open so you can enter an error message that the user will see if they leave the field blank or incomplete.

Each required field will have a * in the form to visually denote to your user that the field must be answered).


You can set the Additional CSS Classes in the Styling tab in the field settings.

Here you can add a class to the field so you can add custom CSS (to add multiple classes, use a space to separate). This will help you, for example, separate one field from the others by adding some padding to it or to color a text of a certain field.


Conditional Logic is a feature that lets you easily show or hide form fields based on how someone responds to other fields on the form. This will streamline your form, make it “appear” short (so you can display other fields when a condition is met for example) or create a customized form experience.

To add conditional logic rules, go to the Visibility tab and click on the Add Rule section.

In the popup, choose whether or not you want the rule or rules to hide or show a field. If you have multiple rules you will need to specify if all conditions must be met or just one.

When you open a rule, you need to choose which field the condition will be using. Also, select the condition and the value of the field.

Let’s make a quick and easy example here, with a Show function.

In this form, you want to create fields for someone to be able to enter links to their social media profiles. Instead of showing a bunch of fields for every social network, you’re going to create a checkbox with a list of social media profiles first, so if someone selects a field from the list, a field will appear so they can enter a link to their profile.

To do this, I’m going to create a field for each social network and only show it if someone checks it off on my checkbox list.

After you create a field for a social network, go to the Visibility tab

We will show this Twitter field if someone selects the Twitter checkbox.

For the field, you will select What Social Media Networks do you use? Since that is the field that the condition takes into consideration. For condition we will choose having and choose Twitter from the value dropdown.

Do this for the other social network fields, but instead of Twitter, enter the value that corresponds to the field.


To top it off, if you wish you can Clone or Delete your field by clicking on the gear icon next to a field.

When you use Clone, the whole field will be automatically added to the end of the current form.


When you first create your form, you’ll have the option to save your progress as a Draft or Publish your form.

Once your form is published, you’ll be able to Unpublish or Update after making changes.


Let’s go over all fields next and explain what they do.


Adds a name field to your form.

Name Labels

In the Labels tab, you have two options, single and multiple. Single will create one field for a name, while multiple will split the name into prefixfirst namelast name and suffix.

Select single to change the field Label, enter Placeholder text or add a custom Description for one field.

Select Multiple to open additional options so you can add PrefixFirst NameMiddle Name or Last Name to your Name field.

Open a field to change the Field Label, put Placeholder text or add a custom Description for the name fields you’ve activated.


Adds an email field to your form.

Email Labels

In the Labels tab, you can change the Field Label, put Placeholder text or add a custom Description.

Email Settings

Validate Field: Each time a user enters an email address, this field will check if it has a valid format. Enabling this will let you enter your “Enter validation message” if the email is invalid.


Adds a phone field to your form.

Phone Labels

In the Labels tab, you can change the Field Label, put Placeholder text or add a custom Description.

Phone Settings

Validate Field: Each time a user enters a phone number, this field will check if it has a valid format. You can choose a National, International format or you can limit the number of characters. Enabling this will let you enter your “Enter validation message” if the phone number is invalid.


Adds an address field to your form.

Address Labels

In the Labels tab, you can activate the different address subfields that you want to use.

To change the Field Label, put Placeholder text or add a custom Description, open the subfield.


Adds a website field to your form.

Website Labels

In the Labels tab, you can change the Field Label, put Placeholder text, add a Default Value or add a custom Description.

Website Settings

Validate Field: Each time a user enters a website, this field will check if it has a valid format. Enabling this will let you enter your “Enter validation message” if the website format is invalid.


Adds a single line text input field to your form.

Input Labels

In the Labels tab, you can change the Field Label, put Placeholder text, add a Default Value or add a custom Description.

Input Settings

Max characters: You can limit the number of characters allowed in this field.


Adds a text area field to your form.

Text Area Labels

In the Labels tab, you can change the Field Label, put Placeholder text, add a Default Value or add a custom Description.

Text Area Settings

Max characters: You can limit the number of characters allowed in this field.


Adds a number field to your form.

Number Labels

In the Labels tab, you can change the Field Label, put Placeholder text, add a Default Value or add a custom Description.

Number Settings

Max characters: You can limit the range of numbers allowed in this field.


Adds a radio button field to your form.

Radio Labels

In the Labels tab, you can change the Field Label and add a custom Description.

You also need to input the available radio button options (that your users will see in the form) and their values (this is what you will see in the form submission).

Click on the Add Option area to add radio button options. Select the red trash icon next to options you would like to delete.

Calculations Tab

You can choose whether or not to allow this field to be used to create formulas within Calculations fields. Select Enable to allow the field to be used in calculations.

If you choose to Enable calculations, you must assign a numeric value to each option. Enter the necessary value in the Calculation Value field.


Adds a checkbox field to your form.

Checkbox Labels

In the Labels tab, you can change the Field Label and add a custom Description.

You also need to input the available checkbox options (that your users will see in the form) and their values (this is what you will see in the form submission).

Click on the Add Option area to add checkbox options. Select the red trash icon next to options you would like to delete.

Calculations Tab

You can choose whether or not to allow this field to be used to create formulas within Calculations fields. Select Enable to allow the field to be used in calculations.

If you choose to Enable calculations, you must assign a numeric value to each option. Enter the necessary value in the Calculation Value field. Note that when users select two or more options, these values are added together, and the sum will be the value used in subsequent calculations.



Adds a field to your form that calculates numeric user inputs using custom mathematical formulas.

Calculations Labels

In the Labels tab, you can change the field Label, apply Placeholder text, or add a custom Description.

Calculations Settings

In the Settings tab you can hide the Calculation field and choose the number of decimal places to display in the calculated result.

Calculations Tab

The Calculations tab is where you input the formula you want to employ for this field. Formulas can be simple, such as fieldname1+fieldname2, or complex mathematical equations with multiple grouped fields, such as fieldname1*(fieldname2+fieldname3). Each formula is considered a single calculation, and by inserting multiple calculation fields, your form becomes a powerful mathematical tool.

A handy menu of mathematical operations, located at the top of the formula field, greatly simplifies the construction of your custom formulas. The first option, in blue, opens a drop-down menu of the numeric value fields inserted in the current form. Combine these fields with the mathematical operands +, -, *, /, and () to create custom formulas.

NOTE: You must add a formula to the Calculation Formula field in order to save any Calculation Field settings. For example, you cannot configure Labels or Styling and then save the field with the intention of adding a formula at a later time.

After adding your formula to the Calculation Formula field, a preview of the formula will appear so you can verify that the proper data and mathematical operation(s) will be used in making this calculation.


Adds a dropdown select field to your form. You can choose from a single select dropdown or a dropdown that allows multiple selections.

Select Labels

In the Labels tab, you can change the Field Label and add a custom Description.

You also need to input the available dropdown options (that your users will see in the form) and their values (this is what you will see in the form submission).

Click on the Add Option area to add dropdown options. Select the red trash icon next to options you would like to delete.

Calculations Tab

You can choose whether or not to allow this field to be used to create formulas within Calculations fields. Select Enable to allow the field to be used in calculations.

If you choose to Enable calculations, you must assign a numeric value to each option. Enter the necessary value in the Calculation Value field. Note that when users select two or more options, these values are added together, and the sum will be the value used in subsequent calculations.


Adds a datepicker field to your form.

Datepicker Labels

In the Labels tab, you can choose between three different calendar formats.

You can choose from the following:

  • Calendar with selectable dates
  • Dropdowns for day, month and year
  • Text input for day, month and year

Also in the Labels tab, you can change the Field Label, put Placeholder text, add a Default Value or add a custom Description.

For date fields, you can choose to show or hide a calendar icon.

If you choose dropdowns or text inputs, you will be able to choose the date format. You can choose from the following:

  • Y-m-d
  • m/d/Y
  • d/m/Y
Datepicker Settings

Default Date: For default date, you can auto populate today’s date or set a custom date.

Restrict Year Range: Here you can restrict year range by setting a minimum and a maximum.

Restrict date choices: Allows you restrict certain days of the week from being selected (via Days of the week tab) or you can restrict specific dates (via Custom dates tab).


Adds a timepicker field to your form.

Timepicker Labels

In the Labels tab, you can choose between two different time formats.

You can choose from the following:

  • Dropdowns
  • Number Inputs

You can also specify if you’d like to use 12 hour or 24 hour time.

Also in the Labels tab, you can change the Field Label and add a custom Description.

To customize the Label and Placeholder for hours and minutes, open the subfield.

Timepicker Settings

Increments: The timepicker hour and minute fields have up/down arrows you can use to set the time. The increments setting allows you define by how many hours or minutes the time will increase or decrease when using the timepicker arrows.

E.g. Suppose the increment for hours is 2 hour and the increment for minutes is 15 minutes. If a user uses the increase arrow for hours, the time will go from 1 to 3 to 5, etc. When they set the minutes using the increase arrow, it will start at 15 then go to 30, then stop at 45.

Default Time: You can set a default time to populate the field if it is left blank.


Adds a file upload field to your form.

File Upload Labels

In the Labels tab, you can change the Field Label and add a custom Description.

File Upload Settings

Allowed file types: To limit the accepted file types, select the custom option and you will have access to a list of image, document, audio, video, spreadsheets, archives, text and interactive file types.

Filesize Limit: You can also limit the size of the files you will accept.

Adds a file upload field to the form so you can receive files from your visitors. This field will respect the default limit set on your site.


Do you want to allow your visitors to Publish posts from the Front-end of your site? Well, we got something for you here. Just add this field to the form and enable your desired features.

Post Data Labels

In the Labels tab, you can activate the following Post Data subfields:

  • Title
  • Content
  • Excerpt
  • Featured Image
  • Category
  • Tags

For the TitleContent and Excerpt, you can change the Field Label, put Placeholder text, and add a custom Description.

Post title: Allows your visitors to enter a title of their post

Post content: Allows your visitors to enter the content of their post

Post excerpt: Adds excerpt to the post

For Featured ImageCategories and Tags, you can set the Label and the Description.

Featured Image: Allows submission of a featured image. If you are using Smush and your enabled “Automatic smush” images submitted through here will be smushed before being added to your Media Library.

Post Data Settings

Post Type: You can choose whether to create a post or page.

Default Status: You can set to automatically publish a post or a page, or save the form entry as a draft or pending review.

Default Author: Choose a default author for all submits (default Author must be a registered user on your site and his user role must be Author or higher). If you don’t force this and a logged in user makes a post, he will be set as the Author of the post.

Category & Tag: Allows visitors to choose a Category or a Tag for their post (must be already present – they can’t add new ones by themselves).

Taxonomies Limits: Controls how taxonomy fields are displayed. If you choose single for categories or tags, then they will show in a drop down so only one can be selected. If you choose multiple for categories or tags, then the user will be able to select multiple tags and categories from a list of your current tags and categories.


Do you want to use Google’s reCAPTCHA on your forms?

Please refer to SETTINGS in order to set this up. Once done a new CAPTCHA field will be available under Forms fields which you can then add to all new or already created forms on your site.

reCAPTCHA will protect your website from spam and abuse while letting real people pass through with ease and will look something like this on you Forms:

There are several different options for reCAPTCHAS to choose from besides the full size one above. You can choose one with dark background, or a compact reCAPTCHA in a light in dark version.

reCAPTCHA Settings

Display: You can choose the type of reCAPTCHA that you want to display in the reCAPTCHA field settings.

If you chose to go with the Invisible reCAPTCHA you will get a service designed to protect sites and apps from spam and abuse without any need for users to click on “I’m not a robot”. Invisible reCAPTCHA will use advanced risk analysis technology to separate humans from bots and will look something like this:


Language: When you first configure the reCAPTCHA under settings, you will specify the language you would like to use. If you would like to modify it per form, use this setting.


Adds a HTML field so you can insert HTML into your form.

Adds an HTML field to your form. This only displays formatted HTML within the form. It is not for input.

Add form data button will let you embed one of the forms data into this field if needed.


Adds pagination to your form so you can add steps or break up long forms into sections.

Example of a paginated form on the Frontend:

Pagination Labels

In the Labels tab, steps you label here will show up in the Navigation steps (see Form Settings/Pagination for more details).


Adds a hidden field to your form, not visible on the front end, so you can record something specific on form entry.

Hidden Field Labels

There are lots of options like IP Address, Date, Post/Page data embeds or you can even record your users’ info (depending on your needs). Just click on the Default value field and choose your desired one.

You can also label this field in the Field label.


Adds an unfillable section to your form, so you can create sections and highlight them.

Section Labels

Section title: Adds a title to your section

Section subtitle: Adds a subtitle to your section

Section Settings

Border: Adds a borderline underneath your section. You can also specify the width and color of the border if you choose Solid and Dashed.


Adds a GDPR checkbox to your form in case you need to be GDPR compliant. Don’t forget to link to your Privacy Policy, Terms and Services or any other required page 🙂


Adds a field to your form which allows user-defined monetary inputs, such as when accepting donations.

Currency Labels

In the Labels tab, you can change the field Label, put Placeholder text, add a Default Value or add a custom Description.

Currency Settings

In the Currency Settings tab, you can choose the currency for this field by selecting the drop-down arrow and choosing from the list of 120 nations.

You can specify whether this field is Optional or Required. When you select Required, an additional field will open so you can enter an error message that the user will see if they leave the field blank or incomplete.

You can specify how many digits can be entered after a decimal point with the Decimal Pointdrop-down menu.
You can restrict the values users can enter into this field by setting minimum and maximum values.

Currency Calculations

You can choose whether or not to allow this field to be used to create formulas within Calculations fields. Select Enable to allow the field to be used in calculations.


Adds a field that allows users to make payments using Stripe’s secure payment platform.

NOTE: A Stripe account is required to configure a Stripe payment field.

Stripe Settings

The first time you access the Stripe Edit Field interface you will be prompted to connect a Stripe account to Forminator. You cannot configure a Stripe field without a connected account.

Click the “here” link and then Connect To Stripe to access and connect your Stripe account to Forminator.

Mode of Payment

You can place the Stripe field in Test mode until you are ready to process live payments. Stripe offers different methods to test payment integration before going live. Refer to the Stripe testing documentation for more information. Select Live to begin accepting Stripe payments.

Charge Currency

Open the drop-down menu to select the currency you wish to use with this form. It is recommended that you use the currency most likely to be used by the majority of your customers in order to minimize the negative impact currency exchange fees can have on sales. Your currency choice will be displayed in the Payment Amount field.

Payment Amount

Select Fixed when anyone using this form must pay the same amount, such as when submitting an application fee or deposit. Select Variable when the payment amount is dependent on user inputs.

When Fixed is enabled, you can set a specific payment amount in the field provided.

When Variable is enabled, a drop-down menu allows you to apply the amount from any numeric field within the form to the Payment Amount field.

NOTE: If you wish to allow user-defined payments, such as when accepting donations, add a Currency field to your form. That field will appear in this drop-down menu, and will allow users to input a payment amount based on the parameters you set when configuring the Currencyfield.

Stripe Checkout

Upload a custom image to represent your brand or product.

Company Name

Customize the name that appears at the top of the Stripe Checkout popup.

Product Description

Adds a custom message that appears below the Company Name in the Stripe Checkout popup.

Checkout Button Label

Choose whether or not to display the payment amount in the checkout button. Remove {{amount}} if you do not want the payment amount to display in this fashion.

Stripe Advanced Tab

Enabling the Remember Me Checkbox feature will add a Remember Me checkbox to the Stripe Checkout popup. When checked, Stripe will securely store a user’s payment info for future purchases not only for your site but for other sites as well.

Collect Address

Select Billing Address or Both Billing and Shipping Address if you want to collect that information during the checkout process, otherwise select None.

Stripe Receipt

Selecting Enable will cause Stripe to send the user an email receipt when payments are successful. Click here to customize the email receipt Stripe sends to users.

Verify Zip/Postal Code

Enabling this setting will allow Stripe to validate users billing ZIP code. Click Stripe account settings to access your Stripe account, where you can enable payment declines when a ZIP code cannot be verified.


Use the drop-down menu to select the preferred language for the Checkout process. The default language is English, but Stripe supports 11 other languages as well.


If you want to send Stripe your form’s metadata, click + Add Custom Meta and create a meta key. Meta keys must conform to Stripe requirements.


Below the form fields and the insert fields section, you can customize the behavior and label of the submit button for your form.

Submit Button Labels

Button text: button message allows you to change the text of your submit button.

Error message: custom message when the form is not properly filled? Just enable the feature and enter your custom text here.

Just like with fields, you can use Visibility to set conditional logic rules that will show or hide your submit button based on certain conditions.


If you navigated here, it means you made the backbone of your super awesome form.

You can change the name of your form in the top left. This is just for you in order to easily identify forms and will not be displayed on your site.

Let’s see what you can do about your form’s appearance and behavior. You can customize your form in the following sections/ways:

  • Appearance
  • Form Behaviour
  • Form Emails
  • Integrations
  • Settings

Don’t forget that you can always preview your form by clicking on the Preview button.


Here you can edit and configure the appearance of your form to the smallest details.

Design Style

Use one of our pre-made themes as a starting point for further customization or select Noneto have your form inherit styles from your theme’s CSS.

If you select None, you will not be able to change colorsfonts or the form container from the Appearance tab. You will need to make customizations in your theme’s CSS files.


For colors you can use the default colors or select custom to access background and text colors for a variety of elements in your form. Simply open the element you want to change the color for and make your changes.


Setup your desired fonts, font size and font weight, for the labelssection titlespagination steps and all the other different elements in your form.

Form Container

Further customize the appearance of the form main container by adding paddings, a border and the spacing between form fields.

Lets you choose a Compact or a wider, Comfortable separation between fields.


If you inserted a pagination field or fields into your form, you can configure the a progress indicator or customize the button text for the form pages.

As a default, nothing will be displayed in your forms pagination header, but you can choose to set it up differently.

For example, if you made a form with 3 pagination sections like Personal Data, Contact, and About – you can choose to display a progress indicator at the top of the form as a progress baror steps.

A progress indicator gives the user gets a sense of progression and makes your form look extra awesome. This what the two different options for progress bars look like on the front end:

As a default, your form pagination buttons will be Back and Next but here you can make them special for your target audience 🙂

Custom CSS

Our Custom CSS option was built in way so you can customize your form using CSS. We added a lot of selectors for your convenience.


Form behavior will allow you to configure the behind-the-scenes form functionality.

Submission Behavior

Submission behavior configures what happens after the submission of the form. You have the option of, hiding the form, displaying a custom “Thank you message” or redirecting your users to a certain page – for example

If you went with an inline message, the stacked block icon is pretty handy here as it will let you add the submitted data to the message.

For example, if first name is a field in your contact form, you can address the inline message to the name in the first name field.

Thank you for contacting us Alex, we will be in touch shortly.

You can also redirect a form user to another page on your site or on a different site.

Submission Method

Save your server resources by using AJAX for form submission. Send only one request instead of many that are needed to load the full page.

Validation Method

Lets you choose your validation method.

Server only: When you click the Submit button, a request is sent to the server and validation is returned from the server via AJAX or via PHP validation on refresh. This is good if you know you have a lot of users that use outdated browsers (like IE5/IE6) or are navigating you to your form from mobile browsers that don’t support inline validation.

On form submit: Validation happens when you click the Submit button, but the data never gets sent to the server if is it isn’t valid (this uses Javascript validation) – this should work with most browsers

Enable inline validation: Validation happens as user types using Javascript and this might be the best option for modern browsers


In case you need some of the fields auto-populated, you can set that up here. The autofill works on the Text, the Name, and the Email field.

You can also make the auto-populated data editable or not.


This section allows you to protect your form.

Enable honeypot protection: Having trouble with bots? This will trick and trap spam bots into revealing themselves by giving them a challenge that human users cannot see. How does this work? When the form is displayed in the browser it creates a hidden input. A hidden input must match the desired condition and if the condition doesn’t match a success message such as “Form entry saved” will be sent to the bot, but the form will not be actually submitted. Also, because the honeypot input is hidden and generated only when the form is displayed in the browser – bots will also tend to miss that and will send a request without the hidden input (which will make them fail the honeypot test).

Enable logged in submission only: Only registered users will be able to use your form.


Configures the lifespan of your form. You can choose for it not to expire, to expire on a certain date or after a certain amount of submits.

Take note that once the form expires it will not be visible on the front-end (but will be still available in the back-end).


Lets you configure and send out auto emails to the user who filled out the form and/or to you as well (the administrator). Both emails can be completely customized with a Subject, custom text, etc. You can even add form fields data to the email notifications.

Admin Email

Send email to admin: You can send an email to yourself, or any site admin if needed, after the form submission. Of course, you can include certain/all fields or miscellaneous data.

Confirmation Email

In cases you want/need to send a notification email to the user that filled out the form, after the form has been submitted, you can quickly set that up here and include any misc. or field data.

Each of the above modules has advanced delivery settings where you can set up your email to the smallest details by entering who is sending the email, from which address, where does the reply go to and any CC/BCC addresses.

Once you are done with setting up the emails, you can continue to Integrations by clicking on the Continue button.


Would you like to connect your third-party app accounts and send data to your favorite apps? Our integrations module makes this look easy and you will connect your apps in no time:)

To see how to configure these integrations follow the links here:

Enjoy 🙂


Settings allows you to customize how the data for your form is stored.

Data Storage

In cases where you don’t want to store the forms data on your server, you can choose to Disable store submissions in my database.

Of course, you will still send out the entries to you and/or to your visitor emails using the Emails module.


Forms collect a lot of sensitive information. In the privacy section, you have the option of auto deleting form submissions once they reach a certain age.

You can set the number of days, weeks, months or years. Once a form entry reaches the date you specify, it will be deleted.

Account Erasure Requests

Here you can choose what will happen to the submission of a user you are deleting from your site (by using Tools/Erase personal data). Retain submissions will leave all submissions of that user intact and Remove submissions will remove all submission from the user you deleted from your site.

Submissions Retention

By default, all submissions will be kept forever but you can auto erase all submissions after a certain period in case you need to set that up.


One of the most useful Forminator features is the live preview.

Not only can you see the form fields, including how your conditional rules are operating, but you can also view the changes you make to your forms appearance.

If you make changes to your form’s design style, colors, fonts, form container, etc. you can use the preview mode to see the outcome.

In the preview below, the form background goes from blue to green to transparent. The design style changes from bold to flat. You can preview the form at each step along the way to make sure the outcome was what you are after.



Each form will come with a shortcode which you can use to insert it into any page/post of your site (basically with just copy/paste).

To access the shortcodes for your forms, go to the Forminator dashboard. Find the form you’d like to use and select the gear icon to open the settings dropdown for the form.

Select copy shortcode, which will automatically add the shortcode to your clipboard so you can paste it anywhere.

Additionally, you can also add a form to the classic WordPress editor. Each Page/Post will have an Add Form button:

In Gutenberg, there is a Forminator block you can use to insert a form.

Once pressed, just choose a Form and the shortcode will be auto-inserted for you:

In case you want to present your Form in a Widget, navigate to Appearance > Widgets, drag the Forminator Widget to your sidebar, choose what would you like to display and press on the Save button:


If you’re using On-Site promotions to create marketing embed module, slide-ins and pop-ups, you can add Forminator forms to the main content area.

First create a Forminator form, then create an embed module, slide-in or pop-up in Hustle.

In the main content area of your Hustle module, select Add Form.

From there, you’ll be able to choose a form, poll or quiz to add to your Hustle embed box.


When you navigate to Forminator > Forms the full list of your forms will be presented.

By expanding the forms, you will be able to see the number of views, submissions and the conversion rate.

Clicking on the gear icon will allow you to duplicate, preview and access additional functionality for the form you are in.

Clicking on View Submissions, will lead you to the Submissions module where you can view/manage/download your form entries.

This wraps up everything about Forms!


3 Polls

Do you want to see your visitors opinions or do a quick analysis? With Forminator Polls you can “ask the audience” all your pressing who wants to be a millionaire questions or just regular questions 🙂 Navigate to Forminator > Polls and click on the create button to get started creating polls.

Adding a new Poll


First, you need to name your Poll. Enter the name in the popup and push the create button.

Enter a Question and add a Description for your Poll.

You can also add an image that will appear with your poll on your site, like so:

enter image description here

Great, now you’re ready to add the answers to your question.

Click on the Add Answer button to add as many poll answers as you wish.

You can even add a custom input field when you want to allow your visitors to manually enter their answer. For example, you can use this field as an “Other” option. To add a custom input field, select the gear next to the answer you want to convert and select enable custom input.

A new box will appear where you can add placeholder text. When someone selects your custom input option, a field will appear where they will be able to enter their answer. Your placeholder text will appear in this box like so:

Before proceeding to the appearance of your poll, you can also change the button label of your poll (the default value is Submit):

Don’t forget you can always preview your poll by clicking on the preview button.

You’ll be able to see how your poll will appear on your site, including the changes you make to the appearance.


Design Style

Choose a pre-made style for your poll and further customize any part of your poll.

Use one of our pre-made themes as a starting point for further customization or select Noneto have your poll inherit styles from your theme’s CSS.

If you select None, you will not be able to change colors or the form container from the Appearance tab. You will need to make customizations in your theme’s CSS files.


For colors you can use the default colors or select custom to access colors for a variety of elements in your poll. Simply open the element you want to change the color for and make your changes.

Form Container

Further customize the appearance of the poll main container by adding padding and a border.

Custom CSS

Our Custom CSS option was built in way so you can customize your poll using CSS. We added a lot of selectors for your convenience.


Results Display

You can enable your visitor to see the results of your poll by:

  • displaying a link on poll to view a link under the poll
  • show after voted by redirecting the visitor to the results page after they submit the poll

You can also choose not to show the results at all.

Right below that, you can select if you would like to show your poll results in a bar graph or pie chart. Mmm pie 😛

Vote Count

This option allows you to display the number of votes on the results page.

Submission Method

Page refreshing is prevented by default, but in case you need to refresh your page after the poll has been submitted, just disable this feature.


By default, your visitors will be able to vote only once. If you want to adjust this behavior, you can let them vote unlimited times by not entering any values (this is most useful for testing purposes). You can set a limit so your visitors need to wait a certain number of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years before they can vote again.


This lets you choose how to render your poll to accomodate cache plugins that may cause issues.

Use Ajax will do just that in order to avoid any cache issues that may arise because of plugins that have Page Cache abilty.

Enable Use DONOTCACHEPAGE Constant to utilize the constant in Hummingbird and W3 Total Cache plugins to skip page cache on the pages that use Forminator. Doing so will allow you render dynamic content in the form of conditional fields for your polls.


Admin Email

Lets you configure and send out auto emails to the admin when the poll is filled out. The emails can be completely customized with a Subject, custom text, etc. You can even add form fields data to the email notifications.


To see how to configure these integrations follow the links here:

Enjoy 🙂


Data Storage

You get to choose how Forminator handles your data. You can store your poll submissions in your database or not.


To save your data in your database temporarily, you can specify when you would like the data to be auto deleted in the Privacy > Submissions section

Each time your visitors vote, Forminator will save their IP address in your database (this is used to prevent multiple votes by one visitor and to modify vote limitations). In case you need to release this data (due to GDPR or any local law) you can change the IP retention settings here.


Publishing Your Poll

When you first create your poll, you’ll have the option to save your progress as a Draft or Publish your poll.

Once your poll is published, you’ll be able to Unpublish or Update after making changes.

How do I display a Poll on my site?

Each poll will come with a shortcode which you can use to insert it into any page/post of your site (basically with just copy/paste). You can access the shortcode on the poll dashboard.

Click on the gear icon and then select copy shortcode.

Also, each Page/Post will have an add form button on the classic editor:

If you’re using the Gutenberg editor, select the Forminator Icon.

Once pressed, just choose a poll and the shortcode will be auto-inserted for you:

In case you want to present your poll in a Widget, navigate to Appearance > Widgets, drag the Forminator Widget to your sidebar or another widget area, choose the poll you would like to display and press on the save button:

Poll management

When you navigate to Forminator > Polls, the full list of your polls will be presented and by clicking on the gear icon, you will be able to duplicate, preview, delete, reset tracking data or export your poll (so you can easily import it to another site). Of course, views and submissions are presented here so you can see the conversion rates for a specific poll:

Clicking on the number, under Submissions, will lead you to the Submissions module where you can view/manage/download your poll entries.

This wraps up everything about Polls!

4 Quizzes

Testing the knowledge and entertaining your visitor has never been easier as Forminator allows you to do both.

Navigate to Forminator/Quizzes and press the Create button.

There are 2 types of Quizzes you can make:

  • Knowledge and
  • Personality ones


This module allows you to make a quiz with no right or wrong answers. The result of the quiz can’t be wrong and will vary based on the logic you’ve set up.

Start by naming your quiz:

Once done, press on the Create button.


The options here are pretty self-explanatory, so just to quickly go through them:

  • Title: Title of your quiz.
  • Feature image: The Featured image of your quiz
  • Description: A nifty feature to further describe your quiz and to explain to your visitors what they are about to take on

After you are done with the Intro proceed to the next step by clicking on the PERSONALITIESbutton.


First, you need to add end results (personalities) of your quiz.

You might be wondering right now “Wait, wait – results? But we didn’t ask any questions yet!”

This is the intended behavior for this type of quiz as you first need to set up all the possible results and after that, you will assign appropriate questions to them (which is done in the following module).

Let’s say you want your visitor to find out if they are a Dog or a Cat person. In this example – our end result can be something like:

  • Cat (main result) and You’re a Cat lover – stay PAWsitive! (description of the result)
  • Dog (main result) and “Man’s best friend” is just for you! (description of the result)

  • Title: What will a visitor see as the end result
  • Image: The featured image of the end result
  • Description: Adds a description to the end result

Your end result will look something like this:

Result even

Take note that if you have an even number of questions the result of the quiz might be even as well, so just make sure to sort your results by priority. Top personality will always be chosen if the end result is equal.

In this example Dog personality will be taken as the end result:

After you are done setting up the possible results – move to the next module by clicking on the QUESTIONS button.


Ok, let’s add some questions and assign appropriate results to them. Click on ADD QUESTION to start adding your questions.

A sample question – Do you like to take long walks? For our example to work, you need to make at least 2 answers (since we have 2 available results) and assign each answer with a result (which your visitors won’t see). So, for “No” I assigned “Cat” and for “Yes!” I assigned “Dog” (just assuming here you don’t take your cats for a walk 🙂 ).

You can also add a Featured image to your question or any of your answers. Press on the ADD QUESTION button to save your question.

Repeat this process and add as many questions as you wish! Once each question has been answered a Result with a higher score will be presented to the visitor (or if the score is even the result will be picked by the priority you previously set up).

Send button

Each quiz you create will have a “Send button” on the front end – which you can customize by clicking on the “gear” icon:

This will load a new pop-up:

  • Button text: Changes the text of the submit button
  • Button processing text: Changes the text of the submit button after your visitor submits their answers
  • Custom CSS Classes: In case you want to further customize the appearance of your submit button you can do it here.

Upon adding all your questions and customizing your Submit button press on the APPEARANCE button to proceed to the Appearance module.


A module dedicated to customizing styles and appearance of your quiz.

Design style

Here you can select one of our 4 pre-defined style options or choose “None” to inherit styles from your theme’s CSS.


By default, your quiz will take your theme colors but you can completely customize every part of it by clicking on the Custom tab which will allow you to edit colors of your Quiz, Answers, Buttons, Results and Social Share icons – enjoy!


By default, your quiz will take your theme fonts but you can completely customize each font of your quiz by clicking on the Custom tab which will allow you to edit fonts of your Quiz, Answers, Buttons, Results and Social Share icons – enjoy!

Options layout

Here you can choose how to display answers on the front end of your site.

Difference between “List” and “Grid” will look something like this:

Custom CSS

Full custom customization of your quiz can be done with this module:

Once you’re done with the Appearance of your Quiz proceed to the next module by clicking on the BEHAVIOR button.


Social share

It is always nice to promote your site in any way possible and Forminator allows you to set up social share icons with ease. Just check social platforms you would like to appear after your visitor submits their quiz:

We also suggest you setup OpenGraph and Twitter Cards in the SEO Settings – Social settings section so your shares look super awesome and inviting.

Options you check here will look something like this on the front end (will appear after Quiz submission):


Allows you to choose how will your quiz load and how it behaves with caching plugins:

  • Load quiz using AJAX: Enabling this feature will load the quiz via AJAX after the page has loaded up, effectively speeding up your page load time. This method can also (in most cases) avoid page caching issues with your quiz.
  • Prevent page caching on quiz pages: Page caching plugins serve a static HTML version of the page which can cause issues to your dynamic quizzes. By enabling this, we’ll use DONOTCACHEPAGE constant to prevent pages with this quiz on it from being cached.

Once you’re done with this module proceed to the next one by clicking on the NOTIFICATIONS button.

Email notifications

As the title says – this module allows you to customize if an email is going to be sent after a visitor submits a quiz. Email is completely customizable with From Name, From Adress, Recipients, Reply to Adress, CC&BCC, Subject and the Body of the email.

Take note that you can add various quiz parts to the body of the email by clicking on the From button:


If you want your quiz submissions to get sent to Trello, Zapier, Google Sheets or Slack you can set that here. Integrations guides can be found in the Integrations chapter.

Once set, proceed to the final Module by clicking on the SETTINGS button.


Settings module allows you to set the behavior of your submissions so you can be compliant with GDPR or any local law (whether to store them, not or delete after a certain period of time).

Satisfied with the look of your quiz and its behavior?  Press on the Publish button at the top of your screen for the quiz to get saved or changed (if you already put it on one of your pages):


This module allows you to add as many knowledge quizzes as you wish so you can entertain your visitors while putting their knowledge to the test 🙂

Start by naming your quiz:

Once done, press on the Create button.


The options here are pretty self-explanatory, so just to quickly go through them:

  • Title: Title of your quiz.
  • Feature image: The Featured image of your quiz
  • Description: A nifty feature to further describe your quiz and to explain to your visitors what they are about to take on

After you are done with the Intro proceed to the next step by clicking on the QUESTIONS button.


You can add as many questions, assign as many answers to each question (just make sure to select the right answer for each one) and even add images to your answers! Click on +ADD QUESTION to get started.

A sample question would look something like this:

Send button

Each quiz you create will have a “Send button” on the front end – which you can customize by clicking on the “gear” icon:

This will load a new pop-up:

  • Button text: Changes the text of the submit button
  • Button processing text: Changes the text of the submit button after your visitor submits their answers
  • Custom CSS Classes: In case you want to further customize the appearance of your submit button you can do it here.

After adding all your questions for your quiz proceed to the next module (by pressing the APPEARANCE button).


A module dedicated to customizing styles and appearance of your quiz.

Design style

Here you can select one of our 4 pre-defined style options or choose “None” to inherit styles from your theme’s CSS.


By default, your quiz will take your theme colors but you can completely customize every part of it by clicking on the Custom tab which will allow you to edit colors of your Quiz, Answers, Buttons, Results and Social Share icons – enjoy!


By default, your quiz will take your theme fonts but you can completely customize each font of your quiz by clicking on the Custom tab which will allow you to edit fonts of your Quiz, Answers, Buttons, Results and Social Share icons – enjoy!

Options layout

Here you can choose how to display answers on the front end of your site.

Difference between “List” and “Grid” will look something like this:

Custom CSS

Full custom customization of your quiz can be done with this module:

Once you’re done with the Appearance of your Quiz proceed to the next module by clicking on the BEHAVIOR button.


Results display

Depending on your preferences you can configure your quiz to show the answer as right or wrong straight away after it has been selected, or you can present the whole thing at the end of the quiz.


To modify the correct/wrong answer sentence of your questions – use these features:

And to modify the final message:

Social share

It is always nice to promote your site in any way possible and Forminator allows you to set up social share icons with ease. Just check social platforms you would like to appear after your visitor submits their quiz:

We also suggest you setup OpenGraph and Twitter Cards with the SEO settings section so your shares look super awesome and inviting.

Options you check here will look something like this on the front end (will appear after Quiz submission):


Allows you to choose how will your quiz load and how it behaves with caching plugins:

  • Load quiz using AJAX: Enabling this feature will load the quiz via AJAX after the page has loaded up, effectively speeding up your page load time. This method can also (in most cases) avoid page caching issues with your quiz.
  • Prevent page caching on quiz pages: Page caching plugins serve a static HTML version of the page which can cause issues to your dynamic quizzes. By enabling this, we’ll use DONOTCACHEPAGE constant to prevent pages with this quiz on it from being cached.

Once you’re done with this module proceed to the next one by clicking on the NOTIFICATIONS button.

Email notifications

As the title says – this module allows you to customize if an email is going to be sent after a visitor submits a quiz. Email is completely customizable with From Name, From Adress, Recipients, Reply to Adress, CC&BCC, Subject and the Body of the email.

Take note that you can add various quiz parts to the body of the email by clicking on the From button:


If you want your quiz submissions to get sent to Trello, Zapier, Google Sheets or Slack you can set that here. Integrations guides can be found in the Integrations chapter.

Once set, proceed to the final Module by clicking on the SETTINGS button.


Settings module allows you to set the behavior of your submissions so you can be compliant with GDPR or any local law (whether to store them, not or delete after a certain period of time).

Satisfied with the look of your quiz and its behavior?  Press on the Publish button at the top of your screen for the quiz to get saved or changed (if you already put it on one of your pages):

How do I display a Quiz on my site?

Each quiz will come with a shortcode which you can use to insert it into any page/post of your site (basically with just copy/paste):

Also, each Page/Post will have an Add Form button:

Once pressed, just choose a Quiz and the shortcode will be auto-inserted for you:

In case you want to present your Quiz in a Widget, navigate to Appearance/Widgets, drag the Forminator Widget to your sidebar, choose what would you like to display and press on the Save button:

Quiz management

When you navigate to Forminator/Quizzes the full list of your quizzes will be presented and by expanding one of them you will be able to Clone, Preview, Delete, Edit or Export it (so you can easily import it to another site). Of course, views and submissions are presented here so you can see the conversion rates for a specific quiz:

Clicking on the number, under the Submissions tab, will lead you to the Submissions modulewhere you can view/manage/download your poll entries.

This wraps up everything about Polls!

5 Settings


You can specify a default email that you would like to send your Forminator emails from under Settings > Emails.


Having trouble with bots or you just want to add an additional layer of protection? Forminator allows you to do just that by using Google reCAPTCHA.

Go to Forminator > Settings > Google reCAPTCHA

In a separate window, go here to register your site.

You’ll need to do the following:

  1. Add a Label, such as Forminator Form
  2. For Choose the type of reCAPTCHA, select Invisible reCAPTCHA under reCAPTCHA v2.
  3. For Domains, enter your site domain where the form is located
  4. Accept the Terms of Service
  5. Hit the Register button

From the next step, take your Site Key, your Secret key and paste them into the appropriate lines on your site


Once done adding your site key and secret key , choose your site language and a theme and push the save settings button.

If you set up the reCAPTCHA successfully, it will appear in the connection test, like so:

That’s it! This will create reCAPTCHA field so you can add it your Forms (like any other Form field).


Forminator allows you to modify the Privacy setting of your Forms/Polls. By default, all Form submissions are kept forever and all Polls save the IP of the visitor forever as well but you can change that here.


Submissions Retention

By default, all submissions will be kept forever but you can auto erase all submissions after a certain period in case you need to set that up.

IP Retention

Forminator will save IP addresses in your database. If you need to release this data (due to GDPR or any local law) you can customize the IP retention policy here.

Account Erasure Requests

Here you can choose what will happen to the submission of a user you are deleting from your site (by using Tools/Erase personal data). Retain submissions will leave all submissions of that user intact and Remove submissions will remove all submission from the user you deleted from your site.


Each time your visitors vote, Forminator will save their IP in your database (this is used to prevent multiple votes by one visitor on the poll they already voted and to modify vote limitations). In case you need to release this data (due to GDPR or any local law) you can enable the IP Retention here.


Forminator keeps all your data after you uninstall it (in case you want to delete the plugin and then get back to it later without losing anything).

You can modify that behavior here by choosing keep or delete.


Forms and form entries can add up pretty quickly so this module allows you to limit the number of Forms in your Forms tab and number of entries you see for each Form.

If you set pagination settings to 2 Modules per page, the forms tab will look like this:

Since there are 3 forms, the third form will show on the second page.

Submissions work in a similar way. The entries of a specific Form, viewed from the Submissions tab, look like this if you set your entries per page to 2, and you have 3 submissions:


6 Submissions

Submissions will let you easily display/manage all submissions your visitors made via Forminator:

Just choose a module type and then a specific Form/Poll/Quiz you are interested in viewing submissions for.

Let’s see what you can do with your submissions 🙂


Here you can filter out the fields you don’t want to see the submissions for. Just select the filter icon to open the additional filters. For display fields, select specified fields and then check the fields you want to see and push apply:

You can also set additional filters, such as submission date range or keywords. Additionally, you can sort the submissions in different ways.


To download all the entries of a specific Form/Poll/Quiz just press on the Export button.

From there, a popup will open where you can either choose to immediately download a CSV file with all the submitted entries or schedule an email.

In case you want to schedule your exports and to receive the CSV file in an email, click on the Enable button, choose a frequency, time of the day and enter the email you wish to receive the file to:

You can also click on the only send email if there are new submission(s) checkbox to do just that.


Every Form/Poll/Quiz submission will appear here.

You can Bulk delete them if needed or you can expand a certain entry to view all the fields data for that specific entry:


Connect Forminator to your custom built apps using our full featured API.

7 Integrations

Forminator integrates with your favorite email and storage apps. Here’s a list of the currently available apps, which you can configure here or by editing a specific Form.

Available integrations are:

Ok, let’s go through each one and see how you can set it up.


We will make a simple example here and presume your form has First Name, Email address, Phone number and a Text field. For the integration to work you need to have these fields in the MailChimp list as well, so let’s first create that.

Go to your MailChimp account, click on the Lists tab and then on the Create List button:

Fill out all the necessary fields, as per your needs, and then check Enable double opt-in if you want your users to confirm, via their email, subscription to your list. If you don’t check this field, users will get auto-subscribed to your list.

Once the list is created, create the necessary input fields, using List fields and Merge tags, so Forminator can send your inputted data to those fields in MailChimp:

Add the same fields (and types) that you have in your Forminator Form. The Email field is the only field that is required. Name fields are also a good practice so you can easily distinguish your users.

The fields you added here will accept data your users filled out via your connected Forminator Forms.

We said earlier that our test form has First Name, Email Address, Phone Number and a Text field, but I’ve only added Email/Text (First name) fields in MailChimp as those are the ones I will only need in MailChimp.

After the list in MailChimp is created, go back to your Forminator form and click on Add Integration.

In the new pop-up window, whilst logged in to your MailChimp account, click on here so you can get your API Key.

Copy the generated API Key and paste it in the API Key line, of your form, present above.

Once done, click on the Connect button. Take note that this now created a connection to your MailChimp account and, in the future, you won’t have to connect it again but rather just choose the Email list and match the fields.

In the new pop-up, choose your desired Email List and check if you want to use Double Opt-in(which forces your visitors to confirm their subscription, via their email, to your selected Emailing list). If Double Opt-in is not selected here, once the form is submitted the data visitor provided will be auto added to your mailing list (basically signing them up).

Click on Next, after you’re done with this part, so you can match and assign the fields.

On the left side you can see the fields present in your selected MailChimp list and on the right side the fields available in your current Forminator Form. Match the fields, if not already matched, so their data is sent to the right ones in MailChimp, and then press Save.

This concludes your MailChimp integration. From now on all the data, from the forms you have chosen to set this up, will be also sent to your MailChimp list 🙂

Campaign Monitor

Using Campaign Monitor as your email marketing service? Let’s quickly go through how can you connect your Form to it 🙂
Click on Campaign Monitor/Add Integration:

This will bring the connection pop-up where you need to enter your Campaign Monitor API Key and Client ID:

In order to get those, login to your Campaign Monitor account and then navigate to Account Settings/API keys:

Click on Show API Key and then copy/paste both the API Key and the Client ID to the Forminator pop-up we mentioned at the start:

After pressing the Connect button, a new pop-up will appear so you can name your connection (put any name you wish as this is just for you):

Once the connection is made, press on the Next button and then choose the Campaign Monitor list where you wish the submitted data of your form to go to:

Now you need to assign fields, in order for your form data to populate your chosen Campaign Monitor list. Take note that both the email and the name fields are required by Campaign monitor and the rest are optional:

The last step allows you to additionally configure your Campaign Monitor connection, so let’s see what you can do here:

Re-subscribe: If the subscriber is in an inactive state or has previously been unsubscribed or added to the suppression list and you enabled Re-subscribe, they will be re-added to the list.

Therefore, this options should be used with caution and only where suitable. If Re-subscribe is disabled, the subscriber will not be re-added to the active list.

Restart Subscription based Autoresponders: By default, resubscribed subscribers will not restart any automated workflows, but they will receive any remaining emails. However, if you enable the Restart Subscription based Autoresponders, any sequences will be restarted. Restart Subscription based Autoresponders only affects resubscribing subscribers.

Consent to track: Whether or not the subscriber has consented to have their email opens and clicks tracked. This value applies to all subscribers with the same email address, within the same client. If an email address has no value stored for Consent to Track, it is assumed that the subscriber has given consent. You can find more information at Campaign Monitor.

Press on the SAVE button to complete your Campaign Monitor integration.


ActiveCampaign is an intelligent platform that makes it easy to leverage marketing automation. You’ll be able to design sophisticated, automated marketing processes that save time and generate additional revenue for your company. If you want to connect your Forminator Form to it, follow the guidelines below 🙂

Click on ActiveCampaign/Add Integration:

This will bring a pop-up screen where you need to add your ActiveCampaign API credentials:

To get those credentials, log in to your ActiveCampaign account, go to Settings > Developer:

and copy the required URL/KEY from the API Access module. Paste those credentials into your Forminator integration window and press the Connect button:

Once the connection is made, you will be asked to create a name for your Integration. Enter a name and then press on the Next button:

This will prompt you to choose a contact list you wish your form submits added to. Choose a list and press on the Next button:

Ok, you selected your list, let’s now match the fields.
What does this mean? This step is all about mapping your Forminator Pro Form Fields into your ActiveCampaign List Fields.

Fields that are marked with red * (asterisk) are required by ActiveCampaign and need to be mapped. By default, only the Email Address field is required in the ActiveCampaign List and other fields don’t need to be mapped, but it is nice to have additional information, right?

Match the fields and then press on the Next button:

This will bring up the Additional Options pop-up where you can configure additional options for your ActiveCampaign integration.

Let’s go through the options and see what they do:
Tags: Allows you to add tags to your contacts. You can insert submitted data from your Forminator fields or you can write your own custom tags.

Double Opt-In Form: Double opt-in Form allows you to choose which ActiveCampaign form will be used when ActiveCampaign opt-in email is sent.

Enable Instant Responders: When the instant responders option is enabled, ActiveCampaign will send any instant responders setup when the contact is added to the list. This option is not available to users on a free trial.

Send last broadcast campaign: When the send last broadcast campaign option is enabled, ActiveCampaign will send the last campaign sent out to the list to the contact being added. This option is not available to users on a free trial.

All of these fields are completely optional and don’t need to be configured. Once done, press on the Save button.

This completes your ActiveCampaign integration. May your lists grow far and wide 🙂


Do you want to connect your favorite plugin to Zapier? 😉

First, click on Zapier/Add integration:

This will bring a pop-up where you need to enter you connection name and your Webhook URL:

If you didn’t create any ZAPs before, go to your ZAP account and click on the Make a Zap!button:

For your trigger app choose Webhooks:

Select Catch hook and then press on the Save + Continue button:

You can skip Set up Webhooks by Zapier Hook by pressing on the Continue button. This will lead you to Pick a Sample to Set Up Your Zap:

Copy the generated URL, paste it into your Forminator Form Webhook URL field (we mentioned at the start) and then press on the Save button.

Once you get a Success message on your site, come back here and press on the OK, I did thisbutton. Then choose a sample to continue setting up your Zap and hit continue:

The rest is up to you and your project/needs. Press on the Continue button and good luck with your Zapier integration 🙂

Google Sheets

Moving your submissions to Google sheets, for a better preview and easier sorting is just a few clicks away, so let’s see how you can set this up.

In other words, if you want your submissions to be auto-added to a specific Google Sheet – this is just the right module for you!

Click on Google sheets/Add integration:

This will bring a new Pop-up window where you need to put in your Google Client ID and your Client Secret code.

To get those, go here and create a new Project:

Name your project and then press the Create button:

Once you created your project, go to APIs & Services/Dashboard:

Select your project and then click on Enable APIs and Services:

Find and enable Google Drive API and Google Sheets API:

Go to Credentials, click on OAuth consent screen, name your Product, add your site’s domain to Authorized Domain and then press the Save button:

This will lead you to the Credentials tab. Press on Create credentials > Oauth client ID:

On the new screen choose Web application, Name your Oauth ID and in the Authorized redirect URIs paste the URL given by the Forminator Google Sheets integration pop-up:

Forminator redirect URL you need to copy ( just for reference if needed)

Once done, press the Create button. This will give you the Client ID and the Client Secret we mentioned at the beginning.

Copy those, paste them in the appropriate lines on your site and then press on the Next button

Ok, now let’s connect a sheet to this form. Go to your desired form, press on Google Sheets integration and in the new pop-up screen press on Authorize and then Log in to your google account (the one you created all these creds for 🙂 ):

In case you get prompted by Google to authorize the app, just click on Advanced and then on the site name you connected this to (“unsafe message”) and then Approve:

This will create your Google Sheet integration, for this specific site, so just name it so you can easily recognize it and then press on Next:

Now you need to connect your sheet to this specific form.

Go to Google Drive and create and name a New folder:

Go into that folder and take the Folder ID. This is an example of Google Drive Folder and The Directory ID would be the last part after /#folders/, which is 0B6GD66ctHXdCOWZKNDRIRGJJXS3 in this case.

Copy the last part, paste it into the Drive Folder ID line on your site, Name your Sheet (you don’t need to create a sheet in your Google drive folder, just naming it here will auto-create one) and then press on the Create button:

This will create a new Google Sheet, with the chosen name, in your destination folder.

From now on, each time someone fills out this form, the created Google Sheet will also populate, enjoy!


Ok, let’s get started straight away – click on AWeber/Add Integration:

In the following pop-up click on the Authorize button:

This will open a new browser tab where you need to enter your AWeber credentials in order to establish the connection between your Forminator form and your AWeber mailing list:

Once done, press on the Allow Access button. This will lead you back to your site, so you can set up the connection name for AWeber (enter anything you like as this is only used to easily identify the connection):

Now you need to choose an AWeber list which will get populated with your chosen Forminator form data (the drop-down menu will show all the available lists from your AWeber account):

After you have chosen the list, press on the Next button so you can Assign Fields:

Here you will match your Forminator form fields with your AWeber ones. Take note that the only required field is the Email Address and all other available fields are just optional. Once done, press on the Next button.

Additional options lets you set up your AWeber configuration to the smallest details. These are completely optional and you can just finish your integration here by pressing the Save button.

In case you decided to set up these fields as well, let’s see what they do:

Ad tracking: Will label subscribers based on how they signed up. You can use the pre-defined value, one of the Forminator form field data or custom values. See what is ad tracking in AWeber.

Tags: You can also use Forminator form fields values or any custom text for your tags. In case you want to use the tag to add the subscriber to your AWeber campaign follow the guide here.

That does it! Each submitted form on your site will also trigger a confirmation email from AWeber, so your visitor can subscribe to your mailing list:


Slack is a team communication tool and stands for Searchable Log of All Conversation and Knowledge.

To begin, you need to sign in to Slack in your browser. You can not complete the setup through the Slack app.

Then in Forminator, click on Slack > Add Integration

Once you’re signed in to your Slack workspace, go to Slack API to create a new Slack App. Fill out the App Name and choose your workspace from the Development Slack Workspace dropdown.

After you push the Create App button, scroll down the page to find the App Credentials section.

Copy and paste your Client ID and Client Secret into the Forminator Integration settings boxes. See 1 and 2 below.

Next copy the Redirect URL in box 3 above. Go back to your Slack App settings and go to Features > OAuth & Permissions > Redirect URLs section.

Push the Add New Redirect URL button, enter the URL you copied from the Forminator configuration box and push the Add button. Then click on the Save URLs button.

Then go back to the Forminator and push the Next button. You will need to authorize Forminator to connect with Slack.

You will be redirected to Slack to allow your app (my app’s name is Forminator in the screenshot above) to access your Slack workspace.

You’ll receive a success message once you press the Authorize button.

Now that we’ve connected to Slack, we need tell our form where to send a notification in Slack.

Navigate to your form and go to the Integration section.

Select Slack from the Integrations list and enter a name for your integration.

When someone fills out your form, Forminator will send a message to Slack. You need to decide where you would like to send that message, to a public channel, private group or DM channel so the right person will be notified.

Then you need to specify which public channel, private channel or who you would like to send a direct message to.

Then you’ll finish up by formatting the message. You can even insert the data your form collects in the Slack message with the plus icon.

When you’re finished click on the connect button. That’s it!


Trello is the easy, free, flexible, and visual way to manage your projects and organize anything – but since you here, I guess you already knew that, so let’s get started 🙂

Click on Trello/Add Integration:

This will bring up the authorization pop-up, so just press the Authorize button to proceed:

A new browser tab will open, asking for your permission to connect your site with your Trello account, so just click on the Allow button:

Once this is done, you need to set up a connection name (which will just identify integration connections within a form – enter a cool name there! 🙂 ):

Choose which Trello board you want the cards to be added to:

After the board is chosen, choose a list to add your generated cards to:

Last but not least, you will have the option to customize the Card that will be added to your Trello board. By default you don’t have to change anything here, we already provided you with the standard template that will work out of the box, so you can just press on the Save button to complete the integration.

Let’s see what does each field do, in case you want to customize it:

Card name: This value will be used as the title on the created card. Other form data can also be added by clicking on the “+”

Card description: This value will be used as a description of the created card. By default it will use a special placeholder {all_fields} which will display all the submitted data of your form.

Other form data can also be added by clicking on the “+”. On top of that, you can add Trello flavored markdown.

Position: The position will be used to determine the placement of a new card. By default, it will be added on the bottom of your chosen list, but you can also choose to add it on top of the previous cards.

Labels: Labels can be added to the card if you specify it and you can add multiple ones.

Members: Each card can be assigned to a specific member of your Trello board, so add as many members as you wish there.
This completes your Trello integration – enjoy!


Connect Forminator to your custom built apps using our full featured API

8 Import/Export

Forminator allows you to easily Import/Export an already created Form/Quiz/Poll to another site.

Navigate to your desired one and click on the Export button:

Copy everything, or download it as .txt, from the pop-up window:

Then navigate to your desired site, click on the Import button:

And paste the copied text in the presented pop-up. Once done – press on the Import button to complete the procedure: