How to get great reviews from your customers

Looking for ways to attract new customers? Then you should definitely be focusing on getting great reviews from your customers. This is one of the best ways to boost your visibility online and show potential customers that you’re a credible business.
When you’re asking for a review, it’s important to make sure that you’re doing it in the right way. You don’t want to come across as pushy or desperate.
You can start by mentioning that you would appreciate a review on Google. You can even provide a link to where the customer can leave a review. If the customer is happy with your service, they will likely be happy to leave a review.
To make it easier for them, you could suggest some key points they could mention. This includes the quality of your product or the efficiency of your service. When you plant a few ideas for them to start with, it makes writing a review much easier. Also, it ensures they focus on the very things you want to be known for.
Another great way to increase the number of reviews you get is by offering incentives. It’s important to make sure that the incentive is valuable enough that the customer feels like it’s worth their time to write a review. In general, it’s looked down upon to buy reviews. So giving a direct gift or discount for a review isButidea. But, it’s widely practiced to offer a draw. This way you can offer one big giveaway for everyone who leaves you a review. Something like a BBQ or a large gift card. Sometimes you can even partner with another local business for the prize. This gives them exposure, so they may offer you a discount on the prize.
Here is my quick suggestion on how you could write your review request.
“Hi #FirstName#
I want to start off by thanking you for trusting us to (the service you provide). Our mission is to provide the best (service you provide) in (your location, city, country).
I’d like to know how you did.
If you were excited about the (describe service experience you want them to talk about) we provided I would love to hear back from you. You could leave us a review at (Link to feedback page).
To thank you for your time and feedback (good or bad) we will enter you into our draw to win a FREE (enter item) which will be drawn on (enter date).
Thank you in advance.
(Your name, email signature).”

Published by: Mike Cooper - Founder of Black Mountain Media

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